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Welcome to the
Jewish Burial Society 

South Bay Chevra Kadisha devoted to honoring the memory of your loved ones.

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About Us

Jewish Memorial of the South Bay provides end-of-life services to all Jews no matter faith or backround. Dedicated to the proposition that every Jew deserves a Tahara and traditional burial, the members of the Sacred Society are available to perform ritual preparation of the body, assist with all burial needs and provide support for the bereaved family.

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Spa Setting
Jewish Man Praying


Have a proper cleansing service done for your loved one.


We can connect you with the Rabbi of your choice to perform the burial ceremony.

Buying a Jewish plot

Interactive map of all Jewish cemeteries in the bay area.

Astonomical Clock

Kaddish Memorial

The first year of passing Kaddish should be said daily, we can help with that!

Find here the laws of mourning in a simple easy read fashion. 


Out of respect to your loved one we can have someone constantly be with their body until the time of burial.

Home: News
Forest in Nature

Why a Jewish funeral?

"Earth you are, and to earth you will return," were G‑d's words to Adam, the first human being (Genesis 3:19). In the words of King Solomon, "And the earth returns to the land as it was, and the spirit returns to G‑d, who gave it" (Ecclesiastes 12:7). The next stage in the continuing saga of a human life is that the body should return to the earth, the source of all physical life, and be reunited with it, just as the soul returns to its divine root.

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©2024 Jewish Burial Society 

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