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With working relationships with the Jewish Burial Society


Bay Area Mortuary 


Darling Fischer 

Oak Hill Funeral Home

Sinai Memorial 

Magen David



Estimated Cost

1701 Little Orchard St

San Jose, CA 95125


615 N Santa Cruz Ave

Los Gatos, CA 95030

300 Curtner Ave,

San Jose, CA 95125


3415 Mount Diablo Blvd, Lafayette, CA 94549


Price List

Turn Around Time

1-3 Days

1-3 Days

1-3 Days

2-5 Days

1-3 Days

When contacting a mortuary kindly tell them that you would like the Chevra Kadisha Package it will be the cheapest price with a Taharah Done by our team and a Kosher Casket.




Practices Avoided or Prohibited in Jewish Tradition:


  1. Cremation – Forbidden. The body must be returned to the earth whole, as it came from the earth.

  2. Embalming – Generally not allowed. Desecrates the holy body.

  3. Autopsies – Forbidden unless legally required or can directly save a specific life.

  4. Organ Donation – Only permitted under strict guidance (usually when the donor is unquestionably dead and a specific life can be saved).

  5. Delayed Burial – We bury the deceased as soon as possible (ideally within 24 hours), unless delay is needed for honor (e.g. family travel or to honor the deceased).

  6. Viewing the Body – Not practiced. 

  7. Flowers – Not a Jewish custom. Charity and Torah study are far more appropriate forms of honor.

  8. Decorations or Statues – Not our way. We keep tombstones simple, respectful, and modest.

  9. Jewelry, Makeup or Fancy Clothing on the Deceased – The decesed is dressed in simple shrouds (white shrouds) to emphasize equality in death.

  10. Tomb Inscriptions in Excessive Praise – Avoided. Simplicity and truthfulness are key.



What is the Jewish way:


  • Tahara Washing – Ritual purification by the Chevra Kadisha.

  • Shrouds – Plain white burial garments, signifying purity and equality.

  • Wooden Casket – A simple casket, ideally with no metal, to allow natural return to the earth.

  • Burial in Earth – Fulfills “"For you are dust, and to dust you shall return." Genesis 3:19

  • Shmira – Watching over the body until burial with prayers.

  • Kaddish, Mishnayos, and Charity – True ways to elevate the soul.

  • Yahrtzeit, Yizkor, and Unveiling – Commemorations rooted in Jewish tradition.





©2025 Jewish Burial Society 

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